Terms & conditions
Site editing and publication:
ZA de Kergilet
Tel: 02 97 60 03 03
Company name: SARL MAXICARGO
Capital stock: 1 085 787 €
Siret Number: 50911032600014
RCS Lorient B 509 110 326
VAT number: FR 30 509 110 326
Editorial manager:
Jean-Philippe LE GOFF
Website Creation Agency:
RCS Rennes B 444 724 462
- Rennes Agency :
50 rue Paul Langevin
Tel: 0 810 810 815 - Brest Agency :
12 rue Amiral Nielly
Site hosting:
COGNIX SYSTEMS à partir de la plateforme OVH
RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing B 424 761 419
Siège social : 140 Quai du Sartel
59100 ROUBAIX - France
Confidentiality and data protection:
Data is collected for the sole purpose of developing commercial and professional relationships with clients.
Personal information is kept by MAXICARGO for a reasonable period.
If the individual does not provide all the required information in the site's forms (*Required fields), the form cannot be validated.
Rights of access and of correction as set out in article 34 and following articles in the Law cited above should be exercised by writing to:
ZA de Kergilet
This entire site is covered by French and international copyright and intellectual property law. All rights are reserved, including images and photographs. Reproducing all or part of this site in any form is strictly forbidden, other than with the express permission of the owner.
Photographic credits:
The photographs used on this site are copyrighted. They cannot be used or copied without the written permission of MAXICARGO.
Security measures:
In order to ensure security and to guarantee access to all, this website uses software to monitor access to the site, to identify unauthorised attempts to connect to the site, to alter information on it, or any other attempts which may cause other damage to it. Unauthorised attempts to change or alter information aiming to cause damage or generally to damage the availability and integrity of this website are strictly forbidden and criminal proceedings will be taken. Article 323-1 of the Criminal Code states that the act of fraudulently accessing or representing oneself either completely or partially through an automated data processing system (which covers internet sites) is punishable by two years imprisonment and a 30,000 euro fine. Article 323-3 of the same Code states that fraudulently providing data to an automated data processing system (which covers internet sites) is punishable by five years imprisonment and a 75,000 euro fine.